Thursday 14 January 2016

First story coming soon!

Sul sul! my dear Simmers!

If you are reading this blog and don't know me, my name is Sara aka. Simmer PT and I do Sims videos on Youtube!!!
Surely you should be asking yourself : "Then why the heck do you have a blog?". Well I created this blog a little while ago, because I wanted to tell all my other Sims stories that I can't possibly tell on my channel. This is also another way of expressing myself and all my love for The Sims!
My first story will be coming very soon, and if you follow my channel or my Twitter account then you should probably guessed what kind of story this is! 

It's called The McKenna Legacy: A Drifter Story.

To give you a little sneak peak of this story here is my founder sim Zuri McKenna: