Saturday 16 January 2016

The McKenna Legacy: A Drifter Story | 001.1 Times are hard!

There she was, Zuri McKenna, in Oasis Springs, her new home. The little money she got left, was invested in a small plot of land called Agave Abode.

She looked around trying to find a familiar face, but she was alone, only the wind blowing and the hot sun touching her face.
Her pockets were empty. She only had that plot of land to her name. She thought to herself "I gotta make some money... somehow... and fast!"
She grabbed a bag from her belongings and she started walking, exploring the neighborhood.
A few steps ahead Zuri hears water streaming. She followed the sound and after going down a small track she sees a river. "This is perfect! I can go fishing here. At least I'll get something to eat. Those grills up there will be perfect to do some fried fish. And if I get more than one I can try and sell them for some extra money." After looking around, she whips up an improvised fishing rod with a stick and some floss she had in her bag.

"Let's try this." she says, and she throws the line in the river.
She waits and waits but nothing. After a long half hour, she feels the rod bending a little. She pulls, and it must be big because it's heavy. A last pull and some brown mushy wood comes out of the water. Angrily she throws it back in the water.

Just her luck! But she get's herself together. "C'mon Zuri you can do this! Don't give up just yet"
The line goes back in the water. More push and pull and a lot of waiting later, a small box comes out of the water. "What could this be?"

"Hey! It's an electronic upgrade part! Good I can sell this in the market. Now let's see if we get some real fishing done!"
After a few more hours she finally has some fish in the bag. And she also learned a little bit more of the fishing skill.

"Ok I think it's enough for now. Let's see what else I can find in here."
She look around and she sees a strange rock with some cristals sticking from the sides.
"What could this be? I hope it's some rare cristal I can sell!"
She grabs an old hammer and she starts cracking the rock. Nothing in the rock, but beneath there is a misterious box.

She pulls the box from the hole and opens it. Inside it a cute doll peeks. "Oh she looks like me! I'm going to keep you to remind me of this first day!

She puts the doll in her bag and she runs off , looking for more rocks and things she could collect.
Near the grilling area, there are some small garden planters. Some of the plants are ready to harvest and she quickly grabs a few and puts them in the bag.

Her bag is getting heavy and she is getting tired. She rests on a bench near by, while she watches the sky. She looks at her phone and then she remembers, her old friend Paolo used to work there as an entertainer before moving to Windenburg. Maybe he can help her get a job at the same place he used to work. "I'm going to call him"

A few minutes of chat and Paolo happily gives her the number of the manager at the club.
She calls him immediately and the manager agrees to let her work as an amateur at the club since he did get some recommendations from Paolo.
"Thank you so much Mr. Zest! I will be there tomorrow morning at 9 am to practice for the afternoon show!"
Her heart is beating fast, she still cannot believe he said yes. Her dream of becoming an amazing entertainer superstar ids one step closer.

She looks at the sky one more time. It's getting dark, she better hurry and find a few more thing to sell before the market closes.
A few meters ahead, behind some bushes a fountain glows. She looks inside. "Looks like a small frog in there. I have a few jars in my bag. If I can catch it and it's a rare breed it will give me some good simoleons". She kneels down to reach inside the fountain. "I got you now!"
Some more running trough the desert and she finds a log with another frog inside. "Good! Maybe I can breed these two and see if I get another more valuable one."

"OK my bag is so heavy! I'll quickly go to the market I saw on the way here and sell all this stuff."


When she returns from the market, her bag is almost empty, apart from the doll she found. Her wallet has a few simoleons and she got some pieces of fruit she can grill. She goes back to the grilling area and she puts some pieces on the grill. "I just hope I don't set any fires here."

"Well it doesn't look that bad! Let's have some because I'm starving!"

"It sure is hot! But it's sooooo good! I'll save some for tomorrow. I just hope it doesn't spoil 'til then."

Her bladder is almost exploding. So she waddles back to her lot. 
Fortunately a furniture store near the market was open and with the money she had left she bought some old trinkets to make her "home" a little bit more livable. The owner of the store was kind enough to give her a lift and also bring the stuff to her lot.

Zuri put's the pieces of wood together for some bathroom privacy and then she assembles the bed.
After this hard day she is ready for some rest. She slips into the bed and covers herself wishing the next day is a better one, because her journey is just starting!

1 comment:

  1. That was a good thing 2 fish up (that upgrade part) MUCH better than a 5 Simoleon minnow!
    I like how you're putting this story together...quite fun 2 read =)
    Good job on Day 1, Zuri!!
